Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Day one at Soroti - 1st Dec (PHOTOS)

Up early to go to the Global care centre and start the day by going to meet children in their homes.

Driving on the roads you see some wonderous sites. The Taxi bicycles, with a seat behind the main saddle for the passenger.

This one had been hired by someone who was taking his chickens to the market. The chickens are live and when carried upside down remain very calm.

We went to Atira primary school where we met Mercy. She was with her mother and was dressed in her best (only) school uniform to meet us. She was delighted with the gifts.

When you look at photos of the children and their families remember that they make an effort to look nice, putting on the best clothes that they have. Generally they will only have one set of 'best clothes' or their school uniform. Their day to day clothes are likely ot be thread bare with holes and tears in.

Mercy receiving her gifts, with Richard the headmaster in the background.

Explaining to her the photo of her sponsors

Mercy and her mother before they went off on a Buda Buda to the hospital for a check up.

We then went to Charles home, just 300 metres away from the school. Charles is looked after by Rose. Rose looks after 14 children in total, she is the lay pastor and works closely with Richard the headmaster in helping the community.


receiving his gifts

Charles with Rose and some of the children she looks after.

As we walked back past the school Richard told us that s torm last year had blown the roof off one of the buildings and rain had got into the clay bricks making them soft and therefore the walls dangerous. the building would have to be knocked down.

We then went to Jesca home. Jesca is a very pretty young lady. She was working outside one of the mud huts when we arrived and immediately dissappeared inside to change into her best clothes. One of her brothers did the same when he realised that there was going to be a family photo taken.

Jesca's family, her father was away at the hospital as he is very sick.

Michael - Teacher at Atira school and beekeeper. Michael baits the frames as he would a Top bar in a KTB.

A Langstroth frame ready for extracting

Good quality Extraction equipment

Solar wax extractor that Michael had used the previous day.

Well looked after langstroth hives.

Most of the time the roads were bad and the dirt tracks challenging. However this was exceptional. It was like the videos you see of someone getting into a boat with one foot in the boat and the other on the quayside. The gap getting ever wider.

Well when we started down this track the rut was only narrow and not deep. By now it had got wide and very deep and was getting wider and deeper.

Reversing was not an option - Charles did manage to get us out of this situation with some very skillfull driving.

Gilbert receiving his gifts

Gilbert reading the letter from his sponsor.

Gilbert and his family.

Gilbert and his cow, bought with a donation from his sponsor.

Gilbert giving me a gift of a chicken

My chicken - now called 'CHALKY' at the Global care Centre in Soroti - her new home.

Sam in hospital.

Sam and his mother Grace

Sam's family at their home.

Sam's Goats. Cathy son, Alex had bought Sam one goat two years ago, now there are 5. After the next set of kids are born the plan is to sell some of the goats to buy a cow.

Micahel and Sam getting ready to do some beekeeping work

Micahel in protective gear made by Gertrude in the Sewing class at the Soroti centre

The Global Care Apiary - well looked after.

Squirrel nest in one of the empty KTBs.

The Beekeeping work finished for another day.

Selina entertaining us with juggling, something she learnt to do two years ago.

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